#Felfie Hashtag Explodes

News EditorGeneral

Be_uZbuIQAAySHFHave you taken and posted your #felfie yet? Don’t miss out on this fun meme – grab your smart phone and start snapping photos! Post them to your social media sites and tag with #felfie

Back in December, the Irish Farmer’s Journal launched a contest soliciting self-shots from farmers posing with their livestock, riding 2013’s selfie wave to humanize the legions of farmers who help keep us all fed. Response was both overwhelming and hilarious — who expects to see duck face next to a real, live duck?

The so-called “felfie” trend hasn’t diminished — a self-described farmer’s son in the UK recently started farmingselfie.com to showcase all the photos. It turns out farmers are way more technologically savvy than we might assume. Social media platforms like Twitter have given farm workers unprecedented ability to commune and commiserate with each other, sharing tips on anything from ewe-feeding to mental health.

Source: Huffington Post

Photo by: Birchrun Hills Farm